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Business Economics Information

A trend setting book in the field of Economics, by an author of pioneering contributions in varied disciplines.The present volume is written in a simple and lucid style to equip the reader with a toolkit of economic analysis. (Part-1) reviews the established Concepts and Techniques before venturing into applications of business decisions. (Part-2) is designed for a thorough Microeconomic Analysis of Business Units. Macroeconomic Analysis forms the subject matter in Part-3. Keeping in mind, the latest developments in economic theory and the complex dynamics of the economic world, the author evaluates present day Business Ethics. Considering the growing spate of 'Economic Offences', in and around the world of business and government, the debate and discussion of this issue will certainly interest the readers (Part-4). Theory is substantiated by not only cases but also a monologue encompassing the current state of economics, economists and economies. The book aims to be a reference manual for the students of MBA, PGDBM, M Com, MBE, BBA, BBS, CA, ICWA and other courses related to management and business studies.

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